Big Red Selfie Button

The Big Red Selfie project was made during FSAD 1170 – Fashion Graphics and was my most ambitious yet. The parameter of the project was to create a piece of work that embodies “desire”. After much thought I began to think about things that you want and couldn’t have but was compelled to have it anyway. Nothing exemplifies this more than a big, shiny red button that says ‘Do Not Touch’. It made me think of the episode Space Madness from the animated television series Ren and Stimpy

The Big Red Selfie Button is a small, portable photo booth. The box runs by a big red button sending a signal to a camera using a RaspberryPi. After the picture is taken, it is uploaded to a website, displays on the screen in the box, and alerts the next person it is ready to take another selfie when the light on the box turns green.

Finished product


I built the prototype using foam core to make sure when I went to laser cut wood, I’d have the exact measurements needed to fit the monitor and button. I used code cobbled together from several resources but a tutorial from Andy Ibbitson helped the most. The Adafruit and Raspberry Pi websites were very helpful too. My friend Carl Leonard helped with the code and assisted with assembling the components via webcam all the way from Washington DC!

Laser cut wood

People who pressed the button.

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